The streaming television landscape is changing rapidly and irreversibly. Streaming services such as FuboTV and Sling led the way with cheap access to streaming live sports events. But the larger media companies such as Disney, NBC-Comcast and CBS have since entered the streaming arena as well (and reclaimed the content that was always theirs), causing yet more changes to the way we access television in America.
So the news that FuboTV has announced that they’ll offer a free version of their live sports streaming package to be supported by Ads. didn’t surprise us in the least! Advertisements are the life-blood of the television industry and users are hungry for cheaper, less complicated, more complete streaming cable packages. Sports fans are used to a lot of advertisements! They’re featured on the field, off the field, around the stadium, between plays and now even during the game itself! Fubo’s new plan seems like a great option for the economically conscious sports fan.
Sports are one of the final bastions of cable-required television. Between location blackouts and network-locking deals with the leagues, sometimes a game can be difficult to stream. Everyone wants their cut of that sports advertisement pie. There are other complications such as the fact that most people do not have a high speed internet connection near them to take full advantage of cheap sports streaming. It’s a transitional period for television and these times are always tumultuous.
Will Fubo’s new free tier satisfy you as a sports fan? We say it’s worth a shot and we like the direction things are going.